Our online trainings that will assist you, when helping others:
*Avoiding Secondary Trauma *30 Days to De-Stress *Adverse Childhood Experience
About Training and Workshops…..
“The Wellness Recovery Action Plan puts us in the drivers seat. While we are well, we can build an advocacy plan for ourselves, just in case we become sick. This planning positions us as active players on the treatment and support team, every step of the way. “ -Founder Lloyd Hale of OPENEIGHTY (Class of 2018)
Holy City WellBeing WRAP Training with the amazing Reverend Pinckney Scholars Program with Coastal Community Foundation
Sign up for 2024
WRAP Seminar 1 (In-Person)
Charleston S.C. March 16 & 23, 2024 (FULL)
Ronan M.T. March 20-29, 2024
Columbia S.C. May 16,17, 2024
Charleston S.C. June 11, 12, 2024
Charleston S.C. Oct. 3, 4, 2024
WRAP Seminar 2 (In-Person)
Great Falls M.T. Feb. 10-20, 2024
Seattle W.A .April 7-14, 2024
Gulfport M.S. May 14, 15, 16, 2024
Butte M.T. May 27-31, 2024
Charleston S.C. Nov. 11,12,13 2024
What is WRAP?
Wellness Recovery Action Plan (WRAP®) is a personalized wellness and recovery system born out of and rooted in the principle of self-determination. WRAP® is a wellness and recovery approach that helps people to: 1) decrease and prevent intrusive or troubling feelings and behaviors; 2) increase personal empowerment; 3) improve quality of life; and 4) achieve their own life goals and dreams. Working with a WRAP® can help individuals to monitor uncomfortable and distressing feelings and behaviors and, through planned responses, reduce, modify, or eliminate those feelings. A WRAP® also includes plans for responses from others when an individual cannot make decisions, take care of him/herself, and/or keep him/herself safe.
The person taking WRAP is the one who develops their own WRAP. However, the person may choose to have supporters, including health care professionals, to help them create their WRAP, but the individual remains in control of the process. Individuals learn to use WRAP® through a peer-led and peer-engaged group process. WRAP® co-facilitated peer-based groups were studied through randomized control trial studies and demonstrated to significantly improve one's wellness. Holy City Well Being Mental Wellness training group focuses on providing WRAP groups with fidelity to the evidence-based practices. We provide training and certification building networks of co-facilitators to expand access with fidelity to the practices that work best for people. WRAP® and Wellness Recovery Action Plan® are registered trademarks of Advocates for Human Potential, Inc. AHP.
WRAP® group participants create a personalized recovery system of wellness tools and action plans to achieve a self-directed wellness vision despite life’s daily challenges. Participants are encouraged, and when possible, assisted to continue meeting after the formal 8 to12 week period has ended and to support each other in using and continuously revising their WRAP® plans. A person’s WRAP® is a tool that can be used for a lifetime, and a voluntary WRAP® group can be a long-term peer support resource for ensuring that this valuable and personalized recovery system remains sharp and useful for building a healthy and successful life in the community. Formal WRAP® groups typically range in size from 10 to 12 participants and are led by two trained co-facilitators who are peers who use WRAP® for their own recovery. Information is delivered and skills are developed through presentations, discussions, and individual and group exercises. Key WRAP® concepts and values are illustrated through examples from the lives of the Co-Facilitators and participants.
The key to ensuring that people receive the full benefit of using WRAP® is for the whole team of the health organization offering WRAP® groups, to understand and incorporate the ethics, values, and practices that founder Mary Ellen Copeland and the grassroots peer support practitioners of WRAP® have established.
In 2010, WRAP® was recognized by the United States Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) as an evidence-based practice and listed in the National Registry of Evidence-Based Programs and Practices. Dr. Judith Cook, a researcher from the Department of Psychiatry at the University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC), released the results of a rigorous randomized control trial study that demonstrated significantly positive behavioral health outcomes for individuals with severe and persistent mental health challenges who participated in peer-led WRAP® groups. Research studies on WRAP® from UIC cited that positive outcomes were tied to the fidelity of the WRAP® co-facilitation model designed by the Copeland Center's founder Mary Ellen Copeland and a diverse group of her peers.
Course Description:
WRAP Seminar I (In Person) a 16 hour training is for anyone who wants to learn about WRAP® and begin to incorporate it into their life to improve personal wellness and achieve an improved quality of life. The course is designed to be highly interactive and encourage participation and sharing from all present. The course also lays a broad foundation for building a peer workforce. Successful completion of this course fulfills the prerequisites for being trained as a WRAP Facilitator. WRAP Seminar I is offered in a variety of in-person formats - weekly, half days, full days. Advocates for Human Potential are the exclusive licensed provider of WRAP Seminar I online. '“BE AWARE OF UNCERTIFIED WRAP TRAINING”. Check with us or AHP -Advocates for Human Potential to locate authorized WRAP Facilitators in your area. Make sure facilitators are listed and active.
Seminar 1: Course tuition is $299 per person for in person. Companies contracting multiple trainings, may receive reduced. Contact our Training Director for rate reduction offers. This course has a 12 person trainee minimum, with a 15 person trainee maximum.
Seminar 2: Facilitator Training course tuition per person, in person is $850 or for companies contracting multiple training, a reduction rate will be offered. This course has a 11 person minimum and a 15 participant maximum with limited amount of scholarships available. This course also requires a facilitator mentoring plan to be completed, showing how your connection with the work will be fulfilled as a facilitator understanding of WRAP ethics and values.
Time: Three 8-hour sessions
Prerequisites: Completion of WRAP Seminar I
In order to receive a certificate, you must attend all sessions and complete all practices. All WRAP trainings have a two (2) year renewal.
Learning Objectives:
Following successful completion of this course, participants will be able to:
• Apply the Five Key Concepts of Recovery to their everyday lives to improve their quality of life.
• Identify tools and action plans to counter the negative effects of life challenges and to improve responses to disturbing thoughts and feelings to achieve improved states of wellness.
• Describe the history, foundations and structure of the Wellness Recovery Action Plan®.
We will provide you with a copy WRAP manual by Mary Ellen Copeland to complete the course.
Sign Up Today for our 2024 Free Low Country Teen Summit
“Space is Limited”
Register today on our Sign Up-Contact page!
Vision Board Training with Graduating Seniors at Johnson C Smith University
WRAP Training @ PURE Theatre Charleston S.C 2017.
First class available on the 27th of April!
Send us an e-mail at holycitywellbeing@gmail.com for more information. We look forward to hearing from you.